Eiyuden Chronicle June 2022 Update (26th)

Hey there heroes,

We’d like to start with an update on the Eiyuden Chronicle: Rising product codes. We are getting close to clearing the last of our customer service ticket backlog and we’d like to thank everyone for their patience so far.

If you purchased a copy of Eiyuden Chronicle: Rising as either an add-on via Kickstarter or by purchasing it via the Backer Store and still have not received your product code, then please reach out to The Yetee Customer Service team for assistance.

Once this has been cleared we will be doing an analysis of what happened in order to find out what caused this shortage and delay, however we can already see that our efforts weren’t enough and that we’ve damaged some of the trust the community has given us. Our goal is to use what we’ve learned here to ensure the same thing doesn’t happen again.

We can’t thank you enough for your continued trust and support, and we will continue to keep working hard to ensure fulfillment of Eiyuden Chronicle: Hundred Heroes goes much smoother.

**Production Updates**
Character Profile

Profession: The League of Nations
Gender: Male
Age: 32
Favorite Food: Sautéed chicken breast

Despite not knowing a lick of magic, Maureus has decided he’s a mage. The “staff” he swings around—a hunk of steel that’s thicker than he is and that most observers would correctly call a mace—is strong enough to smash through solid rock. And folks, if that’s not magic, what is? (Answer: actual magic.)

Maureus works hard at “attuning himself” (really, he’s just pumping himself up) so he can “wield advanced spells” (break more of his enemies’ bones with each strike).

“Behold, the wonders of magic! By channeling destructive energy into a single point, I have reduced this boulder to rubble. Are you not amazed? Follow me, and these powers could be yours!”

Kawano’s Comment:
A meathead wizard…is what led me to the character image you see here. I wanted to give the impression that he somehow built huge muscles despite having no intentions of actually working out, so I had a lot of fun designing a really heavy cane and wristbands for him (heavy enough to shock other characters if they tried to pick them up themselves).
Is the source of his power magic or muscle…?
Personally, I can’t wait to see him in action!

Murayama’s Monthly Development Report
Not long from now I’ll probably be able to write something more specific about the systems we’re implementing in Eiyuden Chronicle: Hundred Heroes, but for now please bear with me as I keep writing about my personal life.

I personally believe that game creators should be knowledgeable about games. To that end, I try to stay connected to games in any way I can. It’s not easy though, when I’m busy with development. Especially when I’m devoting a lot of my time and attention to working on the story. I don’t want to use too much brain power worrying about other things.

An amazing story written by another human being can often be a great source of inspiration, but it can also be a source of distress for me when I’m working on a script of my own.
So when that happens, I have fun playing quick games or games that don’t linger longer than they need to. Right now, I’m mostly playing…

Hexcells, which is a puzzle game you can play in short bursts and has a function that automatically creates new puzzles. I try to solve one puzzle per day which gives me a nice sense of accomplishment.

One Finger Death Punch is another action game with really simple rules that is good for relieving stress in a short gaming session. It feels really good to mow down all the enemies.

Heroes of Hammerwatch is a game about grabbing money and resources hiding in dungeons. In a short amount of time I either clear a dungeon or die, and it even has a village builder in it.

Enjoying games in short sessions is how I’m enjoying games at the moment.

A Word from the Team
Hello everyone. This is Kawano and it looks like it’s my turn.
I can’t believe it’s been nearly two years since the Kickstarter campaign! I dread to think about how much time has passed, but I’m still working on character designs to this day.

Hypothetically, if it took me three days to finish one character illustration then I should be able to complete more than 100 in a single year. But of course, I’m not that fast and I get time off every week, so the designs remain a work in progress.

Nonetheless, I think we’re finally seeing the light at the end of the character design tunnel. (In regards to the development of the game, there is a lot of work that needs to be done after the illustrations are completed, so I need to finish the illustration work a bit faster than other tasks.).

Once the bulk of the illustrations are done, I will keep working on finer extra details and expressions as necessary. For now though, I want to focus on coming up with ideas for the remaining characters. I’m almost done with all 100 heroes!

Until next time!

Eiyuden Chronicle: Rising is now Steam Deck Verified!

Take your Eiyuden Chronicle: Rising Steam experience with you anywhere with Steam Deck!

Eiyuden Chronicle: Rising is a fast-paced 2.5D action RPG with town-upgrading elements serving as a companion prequel game to the upcoming Eiyuden Chronicle: Hundred Heroes.

Eiyuden Chronicle: Rising combines a thrilling adventure through ancient ruins with the tale of one town’s rise from the ashes. Drawn by lenses and other treasure in the nearby Runebarrows, our heroes learn that the town is struggling to rebuild after an earthquake and decide to help.

Along the way, they’ll resolve disputes between eager adventurers and wary locals who don’t think the Barrows should be disturbed. And they’ll learn more about each other’s reasons for seeking treasure, deepening their bonds in the process. As you will learn, these Runebarrows hide a great secret that has fateful implications for one of the characters.

What begins as a simple treasure hunt turns into a dark conspiracy that will shake the world and plant seeds that carry over into the main story of Eiyuden Chronicle: Hundred Heroes the 3rd highest backed Kickstarter game of all time.

Thank you for being a member of the Eiyuden Chronicle family and supporting our exciting new adventure. Please tag us on social at #EiyudenChronicle and let us know what you think about Eiyuden Chronicle: Rising on Steam Deck.

Wishlist Eiyuden Chronicle: Hundred Heroes: https://505.games/ECHH

Visit the official Eiyuden Chronicle social channels below:
Eiyuden Twitter – https://twitter.com/eiyuden
Eiyuden Instagram – https://www.instagram.com/eiyudenchronicle
Eiyuden Facebook – https://www.facebook.com/Eiyudenchronicle
Eiyuden Discord – https://discord.com/invite/eiyuden

Eiyuden Chronicle May 2022 Update (25th)

Hey there Heroes,

Firstly, we would like to address the ongoing delay surrounding the backer product codes for Eiyuden Chronicle: Rising, and want to sincerely thank every hero for their patience as we work through these issues.

If you still haven’t received your product code for Eiyuden Chronicle: Rising, then please don’t hesitate to reach out to The Yetee Customer Service who are working hard to answer questions and solve problems.

In the meantime, we have some exciting news for those who might have missed it!


That’s right! Given recent speculation over the Nintendo Switch and potential next generation Nintendo iterations, we wanted to play it safe and investigate what options we had before fully committing to a Nintendo Switch version.

But now the wait is over and we’re delighted to confirm that Eiyuden Chronicle: Hundred Heroes will also be landing on Nintendo Switch!

Production Updates
Character Profile


Home: A small settlement in the League of Nations
Gender: Female
Age: 15
Favorite Food: Blueberry pie

Yaelu hails from a reclusive settlement. Inquisitive by nature, she is struggling to overcome her shyness and find the courage to make contact with the outside world.

Her settlement uses a rune-lens to cloak itself from prying eyes.
The settlement worships the lens, and it is their custom to hide their eyes behind their bangs as a sign of reverence.

“Um, excuse me, I…um… I mean…do you think… Could you… Could you take me with you? I want to see what the rest of the world is like…”

Kawano’s Comment:
Yaelu is someone who never, ever reveals her eyes.
(Apparently it has to do with a tradition within her clan)
And when I say never, EVER, I mean it! We have a lot planned for Yaelu…!
Regardless of what situations she finds herself in, however, she never loses her enthusiasm, and I tried to express that in this art.

Pixel Art

Murayama’s Monthly Development Report:

A lot of different characters appear in Eiyuden Chronicle: Hundred Heroes–not only those with big parts to play in the main story, but also those with a variety of other roles to fulfill.

Party members who are capable of fighting have different characteristics, while other characters have unique abilities that will allow you to employ a variety of different strategies in the battle system. There are also ‘general’ type characters who will really shine on the field of battle.

We also have characters whose roles are to manage facilities. Some may be store owners, while others will supply the player with convenient services. On top of that, we’ve also prepared a slew of characters whose jobs are just to provide fun for the player, such as through a simple combat-oriented RPG-style mini-game and more.

This motley crew of characters will all be living in the same town, which acts as your home base. We’ll also be preparing simple events and dialog that allows you to catch a glimpse into their daily lives.
Therefore, in order to make all that happen, we’re currently exchanging ideas and figuring out how the different characters’ relationships will work.

Do these two go out fishing together? Do these two have fun talking about love? Are these two rivals? And so on, and so forth.

It’s too much of a job for me to handle all by myself, so I’m collecting ideas from my staff members as well. They’re coming up with a lot of fun ideas and combinations that I would never have been able to come up with on my own.

The surprises are a lot of fun to discover, and I truly feel like this is an important step that will allow us to pour even more depth into the world and its characters.

I hope you’re all also having fun imagining things on your own!

A Word from the Team:

Hello everyone! Komu-nichiwa and komu-banwa!

This month’s word is brought to you by Komuta!

Last month, you got a glimpse into the team’s daily life, so I should probably give you a glimpse into what’s happening on the development side of things, huh…

Walking around the map that connects the world together, checking out towns and dungeons, fighting enemies, buying things in shops, dueling and sparring, fishing and playing with tops, etc. There’s a lot to do in Eiyuden Chronicle: Hundred Heroes, and through working on the prototype, we’ve been able to pinpoint the issues and things we need to work on, as well as define what the player ‘can’ and ‘can’t’ do in the game.

What must we keep, and what must we drop in the limited time we’ve got left?

Is it really okay to just drop and cut the things we can’t make?

Every day, we’re faced with hard decisions about a variety of things. Sometimes we’re not sure what decision to make… And in times like that, we try to focus back on what the core concept of Eiyuden Chronicle: Hundred Heroes is.

I personally believe the concept of Eiyuden Chronicle: Hundred Heroes is giving form to the unique aspects of each character. This doesn’t mean the player can customize each character any way they want, but rather we need to set limitations for the role of each character. We need to purposefully give characters weaknesses and limitations in order to give a unique identity to each and every one of the 100+ characters in the game.

Naturally, with the battles we’ve planned and worked on, we have strived to give individuality to the animations and abilities for each battle-ready character. I’ve spent a lot of time planning out each character so that they function and fight the way we envision them to.

Murayama-san thinks up the characters, Kawano-san gives them form with her illustrations, J-san and the character team allows them to move using pixel art, the planner team gives them roles within the game…and then, finally, at least one character is born. (And we have to do this over 100 times! LOL)
Due to that, we’re so busy every day that it makes me dizzy sometimes… And when work gets really busy, it really makes me want to cook.

I found some guanciale, which I love, at a store I stopped by the other day. When I picked it up, the guy working there immediately figured out what I was doing and said: “Making carbonara? I recommend adding a dash of kelp tea!” So, I bought some at the supermarket, mixed it in with some eggs and cheese, and made myself some carbonara!

Thanks to the kelp tea that I (very apprehensively) added, it ended up becoming the best carbonara I’ve ever made! Thanks, guy at the store! I’ll be back to buy it again!

See you later, everyone! Please keep cheering us on!

Eiyuden Chronicle: Rising is available now!

Eiyuden Chronicle: Rising is available now on PlayStation 4|5, Xbox One, Xbox Series X|S, Xbox Game Pass, Nintendo Switch, STOVE, Steam, GOG, & EPIC Games.

Watch the Eiyuden Chronicle: Rising launch trailer:

Eiyuden Chronicle: Hundred Heroes is developed by Rabbit & Bear Studios and was the top funded Kickstarter game of 2020 which is set to release in 2023. Eiyuden Chronicle: Rising is a companion game for Hundred Heroes and developed by Natsume Atari. Eiyuden Chronicle: Rising weaves together prewar tales of various characters who will eventually become your companions in Hundred Heroes.

You can unlock special content in Hundred Heroes by completing Rising. Rising is an action RPG while Hundred Heroes is a JRPG.

Thank you for being a member of the Eiyuden Chronicle family and supporting our exciting new adventure.

We would also appreciate it if you can please wishlist Eiyuden Chronicle: Hundred Heroes on Steam. We are trying to get all of the support we can so we can make this a very successful franchise for the community.

Wishlist Eiyuden Chronicle: Hundred Heroes: https://505.games/ECHH

Visit the official Eiyuden Chronicle social channels below:
Eiyuden Chronicle Discord: https://discord.com/invite/eiyuden
Eiyuden Chronicle Facebook – https://www.facebook.com/eiyudenchronicle
Eiyuden Chronicle Twitter – https://twitter.com/eiyuden
Eiyuden Chronicle Instagram – https://www.instagram.com/eiyudenchronicle

Eiyuden Chronicle April 2022 Community Update

Hey there heroes,

We’re back with another monthly update and we’re just days away from the release of Eiyuden Chronicle: Rising, landing May 10! And for those not in the know, Eiyuden Chronicle: Rising will be available on all platforms at the SRP of US$15.

Whether you’re already invested or still on the fence, Eiyuden Chronicle: Rising has already received a ton of praise that is sure to excite!

―Production Updates

A Word from the Team


Every cherry blossom season, I quite enjoy finding a particular type of cherry tree while on a walk. I mean the ones that have blossoms that bloom from the trunk, not just from the branches.

When I see one I can’t help but think to myself, “Ooh, they’re doing their best to bloom here too!” and it cheers me right up.

…Ah, but this is secretly a guilty pleasure of mine. LOL!

I think the blossoms were in bloom for quite a while this year, but I didn’t get much of a chance to go out and see them. Hopefully I’ll get to see a lot more next year.

Bye bye for now.


I let myself get so wrapped up in my work this year that I fell ill and had to rest. Next thing I knew, the cherry blossom season in Tokyo was already over.

I was so frustrated that I jumped in the car and drove somewhere colder in an attempt to follow the cherry blossom front, but when I arrived I found they hadn’t really started blooming there yet…

With no other alternative, I picked up some magic powder called ArtFire and threw it into an open fire I’d made.

Like magic, the fire lit up in a rainbow of color.

“Woah, it’s beautiful!” I thought to myself.

And that was how my cherry blossom season ended this year…


With the weather warming up, cherry blossom season has come and gone in the blink of an eye. But the pollen is still hanging around, DARN IT!!

Komunichi-wa. Komuban-wa. Komuta here.

In an attempt to share the Japanese cherry blossom season with you, we’re sharing a glimpse into the daily lives of each member of the team.

And here is my entry, where I visited the Great Buddha of 2022 this Spring!

It’s just too hard for people of our generation to resist. It was amazing to see. And it moves to boot!

Moving swiftly along, the launch of Eiyuden Chronicle: Rising is almost upon us! This game is a prequel to the main game, Eiyuden Chronicle: Hundred Heroes, set in a town called New Neveah and following the adventures of CJ, Isha and Garoo. It’ll make you laugh, it’ll make you cry–it’s an adventure that can be enjoyed 120% all on its own.

The action segments are simple yet exhilarating and can be enjoyed by anyone.

Not to mention, I love Satomi-san’s story and find it so exciting that it’s difficult to find a place to stop.

As you continue with the town’s development, you’ll also stumble upon these delicious-looking shiny black eggs.

I sincerely hope you’ll recommend this game to friends who don’t yet know about Eiyuden Chronicle: Hundred Heroes. And remember, you can transfer your data from Eiyuden Chronicle: Rising to Eiyuden Chronicle: Hundred Heroes too!

Oops! I almost forgot to show you some of the all-important spring season.

I think I’ve gone on long enough. I hope you will continue to support Eiyuden Chronicle: Hundred Heroes and Eiyuden Chronicle: Rising!

Murayama’s Monthly Development Report Vol.19

The release of Eiyuden Chronicle: Rising’s is almost here.

Eiyuden Chronicle: Rising was just an idea born from a Kickstarter stretch goal meeting.

Eiyuden Chronicle: Hundred Heroes began as a project thanks to the support of our backers through Kickstarter. It differs from your typical game development, and so the wait between the title’s announcement and eventual release is much longer. Longer still, because it is an RPG which can take years to develop. And so, the creation of a companion game was proposed as an idea that would fill that gap.

The development team members expressed concern at first. We knew that Bloodstained: Curse of the Moon was released as a companion game to Bloodstained: Ritual of the Night; they were both action games, albeit with different directions. We simply couldn’t imagine how a game that would compliment Eiyuden Chronicle’s command-style RPG could be made on a limited budget.

Not to mention the companion game would need to be developed separately from the core Eiyuden Chronicle title, which left us with the problem of finding a company we could commission to make it.

Natsume Atari was one of the many candidate companies we looked at. I, personally, trusted them as a company and their plan to create an Action RPG fit within the companion game’s requirements of having a limited budget and still being fun with a fewer number of characters.

We were able to discuss what we considered to be values that make RPGs fun with them, such as the enjoyment of building, or clearly defined goals that can be reached with just a little effort. They even let us know to expect that many who will play Eiyuden Chronicle: Rising also look forward to playing command-based RPGs.

RPGs and Action RPGs are different genres, born from differing positions with different purposes and goals they aim to achieve. But I believe that, at their roots, they share a similar kind of enjoyment.

I hope you enjoy Eiyuden Chronicle: Rising.

One of the few pastimes left to me these days is going on walks. Cherry blossoms, a reminder of the season, add an extra moment of pleasure to my walks.

Eiyuden Chronicle: Rising Kicks Off the Series on May 10th

Global publisher 505 Games in collaboration with Rabbit & Bear Studios, headed by Yoshitaka Murayama, a creator of Suikoden, and NatsumeAtari today unveil the release date for Eiyuden Chronicle: Rising, the fast-paced 2.5D action RPG with town-upgrading elements serving as a companion prequel game to the upcoming Eiyuden Chronicle: Hundred Heroes. Rising’s pre-war tales begin May 10th, 2022 on PlayStation 4 and PlayStation 5, Xbox Series X|S, Xbox One, Nintendo Switch and PC via Steam, Epic and GOG. Eiyuden Chronicle: Rising will also be available day one via Xbox and PC Game Pass.

After a massive earthquake revealed Runebarrows deep below a town on the remote frontier of the Allraan known as New Nevaeh, fortune-seeking adventurers and merchants from across the world arrive. Among those hoping to find treasure, three star-crossed heroes come together. CJ, the Venerable Scavenger, and Garoo, the Beastman Mercenary, hope to mine the Rune Lens, a source of magic hidden underground. Isha, the Young Deputy Mayor, wants to rebuild her town.

Delve into the ruins and master Rising’s satisfying combat. Dash in quick and strike with CJ’s climbing axes, sling sorcery from afar as Isha, and punish foes with Garoo’s gigantic sword. Topple imaginative bosses by swapping between each character and unleashing devastating Link Attacks combining each hero’s specialty, all while platforming through gorgeous 2.5D environments.
Scavenge dungeons and earn materials to reconstruct New Nevaeh to its former glory and reap benefits applying to Hundred Heroes when it releases in 2023. Cross content includes special cosmetic items, valuable equipment, and trade goods. Make a personal mark on the world of Eiyuden Chronicle by naming certain weapons and delicacies in Rising that will carry over to Hundred Heroes next year.

Within the Runebarrows hides a deep-rooted conspiracy with shocking ramifications for the Eiyuden Chronicle universe. Prepare for Hundred Heroes’ intricate plot and globe-spanning adventure by playing through the inciting events in Rising.

If you are interested in learning more about Eiyuden Chronicle: Rising then please watch our 28 minutes of developer gameplay:

Eiyuden Chronicle: Rising launches on PlayStation 4 and PlayStation |5, Xbox Series X|S, Xbox One, Nintendo Switch and PC via Steam, GOG, and Epic Games Store for $14.99/€14.99/ £12.99. The title will also be available day one via Xbox and PC Game Pass. For more information, visit the official website at https://eiyudenchronicle.com or head to our social channels on Discord, Instagram Twitter Facebook and YouTube.

Eiyuden Chronicle March 2022 Community Update

Hey there heroes,

Spring is nearly upon us again and we’ve got another update packed with insights into the upcoming companion game, Eiyuden Chronicle: Rising!

We’d like to reiterate the versions and their region languages for Eiyuden Chronicle: Rising as we did in last month’s FAQ:


・Europe – Languages: English, French, German, Spanish, Italian, Russian, Brazilian Portuguese, Japanese
・US – Languages: English, French, German, Spanish, Italian, Russian, Brazilian Portuguese, Japanese
・Japan – Languages: English & Japanese
・Asia – Languages: English, Traditional Chinese, Simplified Chinese, Korean, Japanese
・Australia & New Zealand – Languages: English, French, German, Spanish, Italian, Russian, Brazilian Portuguese, Japanese

Playstation 4 & 5:
・Europe – Languages: English, French, German, Spanish, Italian, Russian, Brazilian Portuguese, Japanese
・US – Languages: English, French, German, Spanish, Italian, Russian, Brazilian Portuguese, Traditional Chinese, Simplified Chinese, Korean, Japanese
・Japan – Languages: English & Japanese
・Asia – Languages: English, French, German, Spanish, Italian, Russian, Brazilian Portuguese, Traditional Chinese, Simplified Chinese, Korean, Japanese
・Australia & New Zealand Languages: English, French, German, Spanish, Italian, Russian,
Brazilian Portuguese, Japanese

Xbox ONE & Xbox Series X:
・All Regions – Languages: English, French, German, Spanish, Italian, Russian, Brazilian Portuguese, Traditional Chinese, Simplified Chinese, Korean, Japanese

Steam, Epic Games Store, and GOG:
・All Regions – Languages: English, French, German, Spanish, Italian, Russian, Brazilian Portuguese, Traditional Chinese, Simplified Chinese, Korean, Japanese

We’d like to thank the eagle-eyed heroes who pointed out our error in the Japanese version’s list of languages for Eiyuden Chronicle: Rising on Steam, Epic Games Store and GOG. Please find the list and it’s amendments below:

Initial Japanese PC language listing:
・All Regions – Languages: English, French, German, Spanish, Italian, Russian, Brazilian Portuguese,
Correct PC languages:
・All Regions – Languages: English, French, German, Spanish, Italian, Russian, Brazilian Portuguese, Traditional Chinese, Simplified Chinese, Korean, Japanese

―Production Updates

Concept Art
Mine Dungeon Area (Working Name)

J Murakami’s Comments

This time, I’d like to show you some rough sketches of the Mine Dungeon area. Doesn’t this look exciting? Like it’s some secret underground passageway.

I used to love movies like The Goonies and Indiana Jones when I was younger because they’re filled with action and adventure. The minecarts were always the most exciting part for me. Just once I want to go dashing through secret mine passages in a minecart before I die.

Actually, that would be pretty scary… I’ve always wondered if there’s a theme park somewhere out there that would make a ride like that. Or maybe I should just make one myself?

To any theme park owners out there, you know who to call!

I know I’m not really explaining much about the images here, but think about it. Why are Nowa and the others in these run-down old tunnels? Where do the tunnels go?

This is going to be a very large dungeon and I hope you’re looking forward to playing through it.

[b]Murayama’s Monthly Development Report Vol.18[/b]

Development for Eiyuden Chronicle: Rising has entered the final stages.

Eiyuden Chronicle: Rising has been created as a companion game set in the same world as Eiyuden Chronicle: Hundred Heroes. The story was written by Tadashi Satomi and the development is being handled by a different company from the main game: Natsume Atari.

The concept of creating a companion game was actually devised by the Kickstarter Project Team. However, as a member of Rabbit & Bear Studios, I had my doubts.

I imagined a companion game as something like the successful Kickstarter game Bloodstained: Ritual of the Night, and the 8-bit game Bloodstained: Curse of the Moon that accompanied it.

But Eiyuden Chronicle is an RPG, so I couldn’t visualize what a companion game with a limited budget and a low price tag would look like. Fortunately, after some chance encounters, the name Natsume Atari arose as one of several candidates to produce this game.

I have always thought of them as a successful development team, and their plan to make an Action RPG where you rebuild a town was something I could see working. And thus, this companion game was taken from an idea into reality.

We will soon see how it all turned out.
Of course, we were able to playtest the game and give them some opinions and ideas, and as far as game feel goes, both Tadashi Satomi and Natsume Atari have met all of our expectations.

Hey there, heroes. It’s J Murakami.

Some gameplay footage for Eiyuden Chronicle: Rising was broadcast the other day. Did you all get a chance to see it?

That’s right, our partners in the Eiyuden Chronicle project, Natsume Atari, are nearly finished with the companion game Eiyuden Chronicle: Rising, and I’ve been taking a break from the main game these last few months to work as supervising director for it. It’s been a while since I last worked on an Action RPG, so getting to do so was a thrill, and really took me back to my time working with IGA as director on the Castlevania series.

Back then, any one team member would be juggling multiple roles within development, and we had to devise ways to keep the development process fun and enjoyable despite how tough it was being a small team working against tight deadlines. I definitely felt that same atmosphere of fun and positivity with the Eiyuden Chronicle: Rising team.

Eiyuden Chronicle: Rising was originally intended to be a small project, as a little something extra for the backers. Yet it’s gone so far beyond that I almost feel like my expectations were betrayed, but in a good way.

With Natsume Atari’s hard work and enthusiasm, Eiyuden Chronicle: Rising has become a high quality game that everyone should get their hands on, and I can’t thank the team enough.

Since it is an Action RPG, we’ve gotten some feedback from RPG fans who think this game might be too difficult. But rest assured, it isn’t.

To tell you the truth, myself and Murayama are both…totally terrible at Action games! lol
(At least I think Murayama is…? He might get mad at me later).

Some of you might find yourselves thinking, “but you guys made Castlevania!”
Seriously, we’re terrible at those kinds of games.

So, while it does have action elements, remember to look closely at the genre name. It still says “RPG” right? And what’s an RPG, if not the kind of game that you can progress in with a little hard work.

If I remember right, it was the RPG elements that made the Castlevania series so popular in the first place. We’d get so mad when we died playing NES-era Castlevania that we’d throw our controllers. But when Aria of Sorrow was made, it was so well-balanced that even I could beat it. And that’s why it was so well received, I think.

Honestly, I doubt there are many people who are that good at those old Action games (although this statement may prove controversial). Nonetheless, if those people are out there, they can enjoy this game too. That’s the joy of an Action RPG.

So, everyone can rest assured that they will enjoy this game.

There are two more big points I want to make about Rising:

The first is how reliable the combo action between the three main characters is. It’s seriously exhilarating, the way the three unique protagonists come together. I felt reassured by how well the party follows you, like I could push my way through even the hardest dungeons.

This reminded me of The Sword of Etheria, which was another action game I worked on. It ran on a similar concept of having your party fight alongside you as a trinity. Seeing that sense of dependability again made me really happy.

You can even make these combos happen automatically, so players who aren’t great at technical controls can use it without issue.

The second point I wanted to touch on is that the story is so good it’ll keep you coming back for more.

This was the big role we wanted the companion game to fill, as it would connect to Eiyuden Chronicle: Hundred Heroes in a lot of ways. This aspect will make players want to keep moving the story forward and see the city develop. It will serve as a greater motivation for players and level grinding won’t be such a chore.

This is a part of what it means to be an RPG, and it’s these two things that should help both casual players and players who aren’t great at Action games enjoy Eiyuden Chronicle: Rising.

Well…this segment became all about Eiyuden Chronicle: Rising, but rest assured that the main game is moving along at full steam as well. Eiyuden Chronicle: Rising will be released first, and if it makes even one new fan interested in the characters and world of Eiyuden Chronicle, then I’ll be happy.

Ah, and for all of you fans out there, please take a special look at Garoo and how he’ll appear in Eiyuden Chronicle: Hundred Heroes. He’s still just as cool as ever.

Bye for now!

J Murakami

28 Minutes of Eiyuden Chronicle: Rising Gameplay

We are excited to announce a collaboration with IGN to reveal 28 minutes of Eiyuden Chronicle: Rising gameplay!

We would also appreciate it if you can please wishlist Eiyuden Chronicle: Rising and Eiyuden Chronicle: Hundred Heroes on Steam. We are trying to get all of the support we can so we can make this a very successful franchise for the community.

Wishlist Eiyuden Chronicle: Hundred Heroes: https://505.games/ECHH

Wishlist Eiyuden Chronicle: Rising: https://505.games/ECRising

We will be announcing the release date for Eiyuden Chronicle: Rising soon!

Eiyuden Chronicle February 2022 Community Update

Hey there heroes,

We’re already approaching two months into 2022 and we’ve got more to reveal for Eiyuden Chronicle: Rising. This game is shaping up to be a really exciting instalment into the Eiyuden Chronicle universe and we’re eager to show everyone what’s in store!


Next up, we’d like to share some in-development screenshots from Eiyuden Chronicle: Rising, showcasing its setting of New Naveah, a small town out in the boonies of Allraan (the same continent in Eiyuden Chronicle: Hundred Heroes).

Encounter a vibrant cast of colorful characters as you explore the town of New Nevaeh!

Resolve disputes between eager adventurers and wary locals as you help to rebuild New Nevaeh to its former glory!

Swap between CJ, Isha and Garoo with the tap of a button to combine their skills in exhilarating battles!

[b]―Production Updates [/b]

[b]Character Profile [/b]

[b]Cabana [/b]

Race: Beastman
Gender: Male
Age: 32
Favorite Food: Strawberry milk

As master springdiggers, Cabana and his people make a living by traveling from land to land, discovering hot springs and turning them into even hotter tourist destinations. He and his capy-kin are quite fond of a good soak themselves! But if you want to enjoy Cabana’s sublime waters, you’d better respect etiquette—he’s a stickler for the rules.

That’s his son Pyba hanging out on his noggin. Say hi, Pyba!

“Ah, well lookie who’s here! Have a soak, friends. Sink right up to your chinny-chins, and don’t forget to count to a hundred.”

[b]Kawano’s Comment:
When I heard that Cabana was supposed to be the person in charge of the hot springs, I threw together a quick sketch to show everyone and ask ‘how about something like this?’, but it ended up getting used as-is! And so, this character ended up being 100% born from my own taste… Personally, I hope that it will be therapeutic for you all to see Cabana and his son in the game, just like it’s therapeutic for me to watch videos of animals who look similar to Cabana pop into hot springs… (Sometimes that’s all I need to heal myself!)

[b]Murayama’s Monthly Development Report Vol.17 [/b]

Each different part of Eiyuden Chronicle: Hundred Heroes’ development has begun to take shape, and we’re currently working on boosting the quality of certain areas that are nearing their final forms. This requires a lot of trial and error, and forces us to face this question time and time again: What would the right answer be for THIS game?

All games are made with the hope that they’ll be fun to play, but there are many ‘correct’ answers to the question of ‘What’s fun to play?’ And of course, each game provides its own unique answer. Some games aim for maximum fun by charming players with beautiful graphics, while others aim to squeeze out as much fun as they can by making the controls as feel-good as possible. The hard truth is that sometimes, none of these elements end up clicking at the same time.

For a simple example, think about ‘fast response times’ and ‘detailed animations meant to maintain a distinct atmosphere.’ Sometimes, it’s impossible to fulfill both of those conditions at the same time. We’re lucky to be blessed with an amazing environment in which to work on our game, but we still have a limited amount of development resources… So we’re often faced with the question of: Which area should we pour the most resources into? If we put X amount of resources into Area A, it means that Area B will end up with a more simpler design, but sometimes that kind of decision has to be made.

One of Eiyuden Chronicle: Hundred Heroes’ greatest draws is its diverse cast of characters, and the fact that players can choose their own favorites out of a slew of unique individuals and make use of them how they wish. But…how far should we truly go in terms of realizing it all?

That’s what the right answer for Eiyuden Chronicle: Hundred Heroes is.

[b]A Word from the Team [/b]

By Kawano

This month, I’d like to talk about what sort of style I use when drawing character illustrations, based on a discussion that happened back when we first started Eiyuden Chronicle: Hundred Heroes.

Basically, I started out by discussing different things with Murakami J, our art director, until we came up with the idea of going with watercolor for everything. (I actually haven’t done any analog drawing for a long time, so technically it’s a digital watercolor ‘style’).

So, anyway, I tried doing a test drawing… It ended up taking way more time than I expected, which robbed me of any confidence I had in being able to draw over 100 illustrations in that specific style. On top of that, the atmosphere of the art itself also seemed to harken back so much to the olden days that I thought “Maybe this isn’t ground that I should be retreading at this point,” which brought me to the style I’m currently going with.

As you can see below, A is the watercolor style art that ended up getting scrapped, and B is the style we’re going with now. (I’m very sorry to people who preferred the A style!)

This art also comes from a time during the character design stage when we were doing trial and error about whether certain characters should wear hats, so that aspect of the design is different as well… But that’s all part of the charm, wouldn’t you say?

See you next time!

Eiyuden Chronicle January 2022 Community Update

Hey there heroes!

It’s a new year and we’ve got tons of new information that we can’t wait to start sharing with you, so we’re kicking things off in style with a sneak peak of some content for Eiyuden Chronicle: Rising – the companion game to Eiyuden Chronicle: Hundred Heroes that is currently in development thanks to everyone’s tremendous support during the campaign!

Before jumping into the juicy details, we’d like to take this opportunity to answer a couple of questions we’ve received regarding Eiyuden Chronicle: Rising.

First, we would like to assure those who have purchased the companion game, Eiyuden Chronicle: Rising, at the 7 USD backer exclusive price will not be expected to pay any additional cost .

Additionally, we understand there are backers who have asked how to change or finalize their platform of choice for Eiyuden Chronicle: Rising. In March of 2022, right after the March update goes live, we will be sending an email to the same email address backers provided in the official backer survey that we sent out a few months AFTER the campaign concluded.

And worry not Eiyuden Chronicle enthusiasts, we still have plenty of tantalizing core game goodies that we look forward to sharing in not-too-far-off future updates!

Now, on to the updates!


The Story – Eiyuden Chronicle: Rising
Eiyuden Chronicle: Rising combines a thrilling adventure through ancient ruins with the tale of one town’s rise from the ashes.

Drawn by lenses and other treasure in the nearby Runebarrows, our heroes learn that the town is struggling to rebuild after an earthquake, and decide to help. Along the way, they’ll resolve disputes between eager adventurers and wary locals who don’t think the Barrows should be disturbed. And they’ll learn more about each other’s reasons for seeking treasure, deepening their bonds in the process.

As you will learn, these Runebarrows hide a great secret that has fateful implications for one of the characters. What begins as a simple treasure hunt turns into a dark conspiracy that will shake the world and plant seeds that carry over into the main story of Eiyuden Chronicle.

Character Profile

Name: CJ
Home: The League of Nations
GENDER: Female
EDAD: 16
FAVORITE FOOD: Mega katsu curry

The latest in a long line of Scavengers (tomb raiders by trade). CJ’s clan has sent her to New Nevaeh in order to complete their traditional “rite of passage.”

“What can I say? Your town’s growing on me. That’s reason enough for me to stick my neck out.”

Name: Isha
Home: New Nevaeh
GENDER: Female
EDAD: 16
FAVORITE FOOD: Red-hot tom yam kung

Isha has served as acting mayor of New Nevaeh ever since her father, the former mayor, went missing. She realised the town was sitting on a goldmine and invited adventurers from far and wide to come explore New Nevaeh’s Runebarrows…for the right price, of course.

“An explorer’s licence costs 100,000 baqua. Not a penny less.”

Name: Garoo
AGE: 35

An adventurer who’s looking to get his mitts on the priceless treasures in New Nevaeh’s Barrows. Garoo is tough as nails—in his old life as a mercenary, he single-handedly hacked his way through some nasty battles—but it’s the jingle of coin he marches to.

“That’s the thing about fights, mate. They don’t happen unless both parties involved think they’re tougher than the other guy.”

Kawano’s Comment:
CJ is energetic and Isha is strong willed. When creating these two, I imagined that their relationship would run parallel to that of Nowa and Seign, from the main story of Eiyuden: Hundred Heroes, then added some extra oomph to it. (This is an Action RPG, after all, so their dialogue will be full of energy and passion).

As for Garoo, well, right after seeing a wallaby at a nearby zoo, I got to work ‘hmm’ing and ‘haa’ing and made him into a cool uncle-type character. But the most interesting part of his design has to be the mysterious pocket on his waist, right? lol

Production Updates
A Word from the Team

Happy Mew Year and Good Eveming! Komuta here.

Let’s make this another great year.

I spent the new year’s holiday playing with the cats and suddenly got into making braised pork on New Year’s Day. We entered January 2022 rejuvenated and ready to go, and now it’s already coming to an end.

(All I’ve talked about since the end of last year is how pressed for time I am…lol)

People say that time flies when you’re having fun. But it also flies for me when I decide the next steps I need to take, find issues in the process of actually creating each part, then realize it didn’t turn out the way I want to, forcing me to go back to the drawing board.

Since the beginning of this year, I’ve been running at top speed trying to tighten up how everything works, and all that extremely dense time has flown by so fast that I didn’t even notice it until now.

Recently, we cemented the setting for Eiyuden: Hundred Heroes – its terrain, climate, and natural features. Our once-symbolic world map made up of nothing but sketches and photographic references has finally become properly visualized, which gave everyone an immediate boost of excitement.

We’re also working on the dungeons that lead to the deep forest region and the desert, as well as locations that Nowa and his companions will visit on their adventure, such as the desert village.

I know everyone’s anxious for more info, but unfortunately we can’t show you any mid-production screenshots, so please hold on a little longer.

When I was able to find a small moment for myself, I went to see Spiderman: No Way Home! I won’t go into any spoilers, but it was tons of fun.

If they can cram so much story into two and a half hours, I should be able to do more with my time too! Well, now that I’ve fallen into some weird logic loop and started screaming ‘Nope, no way, nuh-uh!’ to my own brain, like I’m one person playing both parts of a comedy duo on stage, I think I’ll call it here.

Oh, but before I go—please enjoy this picture of the braised pork I made on New Year’s Day!